
How can I assess students' level?


There are two ways to determine a students' level:

1. Determine the level of the student

2. Determine the level for the classroom lessons

To determine the level of the students, you can use our built-in entry test (Level Assessment Test, LAT). Based on the results of this test, the students are classified at the 'correct' level. The level assessment test (LAT) is not 100% accurate. The test is deleiberately short which does not allow for 100% accuracy. However at least 80% of the students reach the correct level and for a number of students you may have to adjust the level (afterwards).


Tweens, Tracks, Boost and English Training

After the students have been assigned a  level by the LAT, it is important to monitor the results and adjust the level if necessary.


When is level adjustment necessary?

Some tips:

1. Have the students do approximately 50% of the first unit.

2. While doing the 50%, you will get a good idea of ​​the student's performance with the help of the results. Red score (<55%): the student is probably working (too far) above their level. If necessary, do some exercises together (on the digital whiteboard).  If the student consistently score above 90% (green), then the level is probably too low. Do not simply move a student but also take the following considerations into account:

3. What is the student like (e.g. easy going, perfectionist, dyslexic)?

4. What does the student say about doing online exercises? “Boring” is usually the signal that the level is too low. "I don't understand it at all"  indicates the level is too high.

5. What do you know about their level in the classroom? Based on the results of points 2 – 5 you can adjust the level of the student.

If in doubt, consult a colleague or contact Holmwoods.


Determining the classroom level:

As soon as the students are at the right level online, you can start the classroom lessons. In the (Dutch) video we explain how you can determine the level for the classroom lessons:

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