
Connection with ParnasSys

We synchronize student and teacher accounts using Basispoort.

The connection with ParnasSys ensures that students' test results are recorded in ParnasSys. If you use the digital report in ParnasSys, you can access the test results with just a few clicks. For more information on this, you can contact the ParnasSys Helpdesk.

How can you set up the connection?

To request the connection with ParnasSys, email

  1. We will activate the connection in ParnasSys.
  2. You accept the connection within ParnasSys via School > Management > Connections. Select Holmwood’s there. You will see a screen with information about the connection. Click on Accept at the bottom left.
    After doing this, click on <Set new authorization key>.
    Copy the authorization key (located at the bottom left of the screen). Send this to Holmwood’s (via email).
  3. With the authorization key, we can set up the connection in our system and initiate the synchronization.

New School Year

If you have a ParnasSys connection but no Basispoort connection, the following explanation is relevant. If you have connected Holmwood’s to Basispoort, you do not need to do anything during the transition to a new school year.

When changing academic years, a manual action is required for 8th-grade students. Students who leave the school are not automatically removed.

In short, when the new group arrangement is created in ParnasSys (around August 1st), new students will be added to the 8th grade while the ‘old’ 8th-grade students will still be in that group. To disconnect and/or remove the old students, follow these steps:

  1. Check within ParnasSys if the ‘new’ group arrangement has been made.
  2. Unlink all students from the groups.
  3. After the next ‘update’ from ParnasSys, all 'active' students will be placed in the correct class.
  4. Link the ‘active’ group(s) to the subscription.
  5. Delete inactive groups via Management > Classes.